
# Admin Code Economic Code Revenue Code Description Rate (₦)
1 022905500100 12020501 040019 Driving of Motor Vehicle by person under 18 years ₦50,000.00
2 022905500100 12020501 040020 Driving of Motorcycle/Tricycle Vehicle by person under 18 years ₦20,000.00
3 022905500100 12020501 040021 Leaners driving without leaners permit ₦10,000.00
4 022905500100 12020501 040022 leaner driver & unaccompanied by a licensed driver ₦15,000.00
5 022905500100 12020501 040023 Driving an unlicensed vehicle ₦10,000.00
6 022905500100 12020501 040024 Driving with fake number plates ₦5,000.00
7 022905500100 12020501 040025 Failure to notify the Agency on change of ownership ₦7,000.00
8 022905500100 12020501 040026 Not painting a commercial vehicle except on emergency situation ₦7,000.00
9 022905500100 12020501 040027 Violation of route by Vehicle except on emergency situation ₦5,000.00
10 022905500100 12020501 040028 Non display of identification number of vehicle ₦10,000.00
11 022905500100 12020501 040029 Disobeying traffic control light & signs ₦5,000.00
12 022905500100 12020501 040030 Parking on yellow line on any public highway ₦5,000.00
13 022905500100 12020501 040031 Vehicle crossing double yellow line ₦2,000.00
14 022905500100 12020501 040032 Failure to stop at a zebra crossing ₦5,000.00
15 022905500100 12020501 040033 Failure to give way to traffic on the left at round about ₦5,000.00
16 022905500100 12020501 040034 Using a light weight steering vehicle for carrying goods & passengers with exemp ₦5,000.00
17 022905500100 12020501 040035 Failure to display taxi light on the roof ₦2,000.00
18 022905500100 12020501 040036 Failure to obtain a passenger manifest in acommercial vehicle (Inter State) ₦5,000.00
19 022905500100 12020501 040037 Driving motorcycle/three wheelers with non functional front & rear lights ₦5,000.00
20 022905500100 12020501 040038 Driving motor vehicle with non-functional front & rear lights ₦10,000.00
21 022905500100 12020501 040039 Driving trailer,tanker,tractor,tipper & heavy duty vehicles with non functional lamp ₦25,000.00
22 022905500100 12020501 040040 Non usage of trafficator ₦2,000.00
23 022905500100 12020501 040041 Defective, non available or expired windscreen ₦5,000.00
24 022905500100 12020501 040042 carrying passenger outside the vehicle compartment ₦5,000.00
25 022905500100 12020501 040043 Driving under the influence of alcohol, or drugs ₦25,000.00
26 022905500100 12020501 040044 Riding of motorcycle without crash helmet for rider & passenger ₦1,000.00
27 022905500100 12020501 040045 Riding motorcycle/tricycle without a riders permit ₦2,500.00
28 022905500100 12020501 040046 Riding a motorcycle/tricycle against traffic or through road median ₦2,000.00
29 022905500100 12020501 040047 Conveying more than one passenger on a motorcycle & morethan 3 p.gers on tri ₦2,000.00
30 022905500100 12020501 040048 Motorcyclist/tricycle resisting arrest ₦5,000.00
31 022905500100 12020501 040049 Exceeding prescribed speed limit ₦5,000.00
32 022905500100 12020501 040050 Failure of slow moving vehicle to keep the right lane ₦2,000.00
33 022905500100 12020501 040051 Assault on a traffic officer ₦5,000.00
34 022905500100 12020501 040052 Driving in a direction prohibited by the road traffic law ₦5,000.00
35 022905500100 12020501 040053 illegal U-turn ₦5,000.00
36 022905500100 12020501 040054 Wrong overtaking of other vehicle ₦5,000.00
37 022905500100 12020501 040055 Overloading of commercial vehicles or trailer ₦10,000.00
38 022905500100 12020501 040056 Driving on the highway walkways or curbs ₦5,000.00
39 022905500100 12020501 040057 Parking on the highway walksway or curbs ₦5,000.00
40 022905500100 12020501 040058 parking or stopping to pick passenger by a commercial vehicle other than at adesignated B.stop ₦5,000.00
41 022905500100 12020501 040059 Bullion vehicles driving in a direction prohibited by the road traffic law ₦25,000.00
42 022905500100 12020501 040060 Abandoned vehicle on highway (trucks) ₦15,000.00
43 022905500100 12020501 040061 Abandoned vehicle on highway (cars) ₦10,000.00
44 022905500100 12020501 040062 Commuter hanging on trailboard of moving vehicle ₦5,000.00
45 022905500100 12020501 040063 Driving vehicle with doors left open ₦5,000.00
46 022905500100 12020501 040064 Failure to diplay reflective warning triangle sign at point ₦5,000.00
47 022905500100 12020501 040065 Double parking on carriage way ₦2,000.00
48 022905500100 12020501 040066 Parking on slow track multi-carriage way ₦2,000.00
49 022905500100 12020501 040067 Parking on bridge and fly over ₦10,000.00
50 022905500100 12020501 040079 Parking within 10mts upon approach to a traffic junction ₦5,000.00
51 022905500100 12020501 040080 parking to drop passenger along the carriage way ₦2,000.00
52 022905500100 12020501 040081 exceeding stated speed limit for category of vehicle on road ₦3,000.00
53 022905500100 12020501 040082 Reading on the road while driving ₦5,000.00
54 022905500100 12020501 040083 Moving slow for traffic ₦1,000.00
55 022905500100 12020501 040084 Turning to left in front of approaching vehicle ₦5,000.00
56 022905500100 12020501 040085 Failing to yield to emergency vehicle ₦3,000.00
57 022905500100 12020501 040086 falling to keep safe distance ₦5,000.00
58 022905500100 12020501 040087 Turning from wrong lane ₦3,000.00
59 022905500100 12020501 040088 Giving wrong signal before turning ₦5,000.00
60 022905500100 12020501 040089 Failing to deem light for approaching vehicle ₦5,000.00
61 022905500100 12020501 040090 Failing to give way when overtaking ₦5,000.00
62 022905500100 12020501 040091 using mobile telephone while driving ₦7,500.00
63 022905500100 12020501 040092 carrying a child on driver's lap ₦5,000.00
64 022905500100 12020501 040093 storage charges for impounded cars, jeeps and mini buses per day ₦500.00
65 022905500100 12020501 040094 storage charge for impounded motorcycles and three wheeler per day ₦200.00
66 022905500100 12020501 040095 storage charge for all other impounded vehicles per day ₦1,000.00
67 022905500100 12020501 040096 Towing and impounded car, jeep and mini bus ₦12,000.00
68 022905500100 12020501 040097 Towing a trailer or a tanker (empty) ₦35,000.00
69 022905500100 12020501 040098 Towing a trailer or a tanker (loaded) ₦50,000.00
70 022905500100 12020501 040099 Towing tipper and lorries ₦25,000.00
71 022905500100 12020501 040100 Towing high capacity buses ₦25,000.00
72 022905500100 12020501 040101 Carrying sand and gravel by tippers and Trailers without covering ₦10,000.00

Phone Number

  • +2348100671700, 2349016746070

Email Address


Office Address

  • Revenue House, Ahmadu Bello Way, Damaturu. Yobe State, Zip Code: 620251.